I grew up as a child of the suburbs in the 1960s-early 1970s. We built many tree forts in the woods, and rode our bikes everywhere, including school. I was able to walk to school in high school. It was less than 1/4 mile from my house, taking a path through the woods. Why did we play outside? As you said, that's what we did.

It's interesting how your upbringing as a Generation Xer was similar to my upbringing as a Baby Boomer. The main difference was, and still is, technology. We didn't have the X Boxes or the surveilance apps on our cell phones. Oops! We didn't have cell phones either. We had the freedom to create our own fun times with minimal adult supervision; there was always a parent nearby, but unless things got out of hand, they left us alone. The Control State has been slowly building, and is now getting out of hand.

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If anything the use of tech should make parenting more hands off. Like now if a kid gets lost or feels endangered, they can just call their parent or emergency services themselves. They don't (or shouldn't) need an adult hovering around them all teh time.

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Worst case if stranded, call a parent at home/work from a phone in a stranger's house or a store. "It's a local call? Ok, go ahead." ;)

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